New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Fall Pests Are Moving In NJ | Active NJ Pests

Written by Admin | Aug 17, 2020 6:54:00 AM

Even though insects and rodents persist year-round, summer is especially the season for pests. High temperatures, rainfall, and abundant food sources allow pests not only to survive but thrive in Scotch Plains, and Stirling as well as in communities throughout New Jersey.  Below is a rundown of a few of the summer pests property owners will continue to see as we move through August on our way towards Labor Day.

Cicada killer wasps still busy as bees in August

These large solitary wasps don’t show any signs of slowing down this month.  In fact, our customer service team is receiving calls daily about “bees in the lawn”. Others callers are wondering what type of insect is creating mounds along sidewalks and patio edges as well as other areas of their properties.  If you’ve spotted cicada killer wasps around your home, Arrow Pest Control can help. 

Speaking of bees, stinging insects continue to flourish

During the month of August and through the fall, we’ll continue to see bumble bees, paper wasps, yellow jackets, and bald-faced hornets interrupting BBQs and foraging for food as their populations are at peak.  Because their numbers are so large, encounters with these stinging pests is more likely to occur.  Avoid bee stings and other run-ins with these pests when you sign up for home pest control services with Arrow!

Carpenter ant activity remains high

According to the NJ Weather Network website, last month was ranked as the 15th wettest July on record and the statewide average precipitation, 6.79”.  All that rain unfortunately made conditions even more ideal for carpenter ants in New Jersey.  These wood-destroying ants LOVE water damaged wood and have certainly been busy in neighborhoods across the Garden state.  With everything they need to thrive, we don’t anticipate they’ll go away this month. 

Occasional invaders aren’t going away just yet

Occasional invaders are a group of pests (made up of insects and arthropods) that enter homes on and off throughout the year and especially in the summertime.  While they are considered nuisance pests for the most part and typically live and reproduce outside, they may attempt to move in when conditions outside are not as ideal as inside.  Earwigs, clover mites, crickets, centipedes, and silverfish are just a few of the more common ones you are likely to see this month. 

Mosquitoes & ticks haven’t vamoosed 

Unfortunately, mosquitoes and ticks will continue to be a threat in New Jersey this month as they have been since early spring.  Since the coronavirus pandemic has many of spending more time in our backyards, property owners should continue to be vigilant and protect themselves against these biting pests.