New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Mosquito Warning Issued By The CDC This Summer

Written by Admin | May 29, 2018 6:47:00 AM

Mosquitoes and ticks are more than just a summer nuisance. The CDC has recently issued a warning about the increase in diseases transmitted by these pests and urges people to take precautions to avoid being bit. In the last several years, the number of people infected with diseases from mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas has drastically increased.

Protection Against Mosquitoes

There are several things homeowners can do to reduce the mosquito threat on their property, including the following:

  • Keep grass cut short and vegetation trimmed back
  • Clean up yard debris and wet leaves
  • Dump standing water from pails, bird baths, kiddie pools and the like every couple of days
  • Repair any leaky faucets, unclog gutters, and water the lawn and gardens only when necessary and not to the point of leaving puddles

Protection Against Ticks

To protect yourself and your loved ones from ticks there are several important steps you can take:

  • Stay out of overgrown grass and wooded or brushy areas
  • If you know you will be in wooded or overgrown areas, take precautions by wearing light colored clothing, long pants tucked into socks, and long sleeves
  • Any time you or your kids spend time outside, do a tick check after coming in – pay special attention to hidden areas like the belly button, between the toes, behind the ears, in the groin, and along the hairline
  • Take a shower after doing yard work or playing in grassy areas

Recommendations from the CDC

The CDC recommends that people spending time outdoors in tick and mosquito-prone areas should apply a repellent with DEET in it. This is one of the most effective ingredients in deterring mosquitoes and ticks. In addition, permethrin sprays work well to keep ticks at bay. It’s particularly effective when sprayed on shoes. Ticks can’t fly or jump, so the only way onto you is to climb!

Professional Protection from Mosquitoes and Ticks

If you find you’ve tried these home remedies and they aren’t working, or you just want to be proactive in reducing the number of mosquitoes and ticks in your yard, Arrow Pest Control can help. Our mosquito and tick reduction program includes one of our professional technicians coming to your home to evaluate your property and then completing monthly treatments from May to September, the busiest times for mosquitoes and ticks. While no service can eliminate these pests completely, the number of active pests can be greatly reduced and their breeding grounds treated so they can’t grow into adult pests, leaving you and your family with a reduced chance of being bitten.