New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Arrow Pest Control Issues COVID-19 Update

Written by Admin | Mar 23, 2020 9:22:00 AM

Arrow's Response To The Corona Virus

As you all have seen from me previously, I am ahead of the curve when it comes to the public safety of both you and my fellow employees. Prior to Governor Murphy’s State Order, I initiated a work from home policy for all office personnel of Arrow. We are a fully functioning business as our phones and computer systems are all web-based so you will see no difference in how we are functioning as an office staff.

As for Pest Control Services, we have been mandated by both The Department of Homeland Security and The State of New Jersey as an Essential Business. See the Public Works section, bullet 3.

You might ask why is Pest Control an Essential Business?

Well, rodent droppings can carry infectious diseases. Ticks & Mosquitoes can carry infectious diseases. Termites, Carpenter Ants, and other Wood Destroying Insects cause more than 7 Billion Dollars of annual damage across the United States. Roaches shed pathogens that can cause Asthma in children. There are many people allergic to stinging insects. And, I could go on.

We have, and always will be, the protectors of your environment, home, and family!

 We will continue to service your homes and businesses with social distancing kept as a strict policy.

Starting tomorrow morning, my technicians will NOT be coming to your front door prior to service, instead they will be contacting you via phone to let you know that we are present and about to keep your home pest-free. There are exceptions: Termite Treatments and any Interior Treatment that we deem necessary, you will be notified at your front door while we all practice social distancing as a country.

I have a few recommendations for you as customers to receive the correct services currently.

Should you have a sample of ANY insect, please take a photo with your cell phone and send it to us at (732) 620-7251 with your name, address, and location of said insect so that your technician knows what he is dealing with. This is EXTREMELY important now as termite season is about to start and proper identification of what we are dealing with is paramount.

As all our children are home from school and the weather about to be spring-like, you are going to be using your backyards and driveways more than ever as it is a safe zone for us all. If we arrive at your home and anyone is outside, we will politely call and ask if everyone could go inside until we have finished your service.

I want to thank every customer for your continued support, and I would like to thank my incredible employees for continuing to keep your homes Pest-Free and safe!


Stewart Lenner
