New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Paper Wasps & Yellow Jackets Are Active In New Jersey

Written by Admin | Jun 11, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Montclair, Short Hills, Clark, and communities throughout Essex and Union counties as well as New Jersey are abuzz with stinging insects. The milder winter may be the reason for increase in paper wasps, yellow jackets, carpenter bees, and other stinging insects but regardless of the why, these pests are busy and getting busier. What’s more, as the summer progresses, they will become more numerous and start to be more of a pest for property owners.

One thing we’ve noticed in the years we’ve been providing pest control is New Jersey, is that there are a lot of questions surrounding stinging insects – some common and others a bit more obscure.  In an effort to provide a little clarity on the subject of wasps, hornets, and other stinging pests, we’ve decided to answer a few of these queries.

What insects sting you?

Purdue University estimates that there are 20,000 species of bees and 800 species of wasps worldwide. Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about all of them. In New Jersey, the most common types of stinging insects include:

What is the most aggressive stinging insect?

The most aggressive stinging insect is said to be the Africanized “killer” bee and while its venom isn’t any stronger than that of a honey bee, these stinging insects attack in larger numbers and are capable of causing serious health issues.  Killer bees are often found in southern California and southern Nevada as well as Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and parts of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida. Currently these killer bees are not in New Jersey and likely won’t be as they cannot survive regions with colder temperatures.

What are hornets attracted to?

Hornets are attracted to food and water. If your property provides those two key elements, you’re likely to see these aerial-nesting pests on your property. Baldfaced hornets consume nectar, pollen, and other plant juices as well as insects and carrion.

Is it ok to kill hornets?

Baldfaced hornets are minor pollinators and help control other insects, making them in part beneficial.  They are also aggressive and will sting if provoked which means they can be a threat to health and safety.  Getting rid of hornets that have established nests near your home is a smart choice, however it is not a good idea to attempt this on your own.  Contacting a local pest control company is the wisest course of action.

Do wasps chase you?

When you see a wasp, do you start waving your hands in an effort to shoo the pest away? If you said yes, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, it is not effective in discouraging wasps and may actually cause them to chase you. Wasps are aggressive in nature and will attack if they believe there’s an imminent threat. It is best to stop moving when wasps are near, however if you are confronted by a large number of these stinging insects, run fast and straight ahead. Usually wasps will not give chase for long.

Can wasps eat through plastic?

While wasps cannot chew through plastic bottles and more durable plastics, they may be able to chew their way through garbage bags and other lighter weight plastics.  If you were considering trying to remove a wasp nest by enclosing it in a trash bag, STOP! Many DIYers have attempted this feat only to end up on the losing side.

What to do If stinging insects are nesting on your property

If you’ve discovered a paper wasp nest attached to the eaves of your home, have mowed over a yellow jacket nest in the ground, or encountered stinging insects elsewhere in your yard, contact Arrow Pest Control for help! Serving Essex, Union, and several New Jersey counties since 1973, our team of licensed pest control professionals have the training and tools to remove the nest and eliminate the stinging insect threat.

What’s more we offer home pest control plans (like the one featured below) that include coverage for bees and wasps as well as 30+ common household pests in New Jersey. As the summer season transitions to fall, stinging insects in New Jersey will become more noticeable and more likely to interfere with BBQs and other outdoor events.  Stop these pests before they become an even bigger problem!

Home Protection Program

Service consists of the elimination of your current pest or rodent problem, complemented by both interior and exterior year-round protection of your home, which is inclusive of three seasonal visits. The program covers your entire property including attics, mailboxes, playsets, sheds, and fences.

Pests targeted with Arrow’s Home Protection Plan services include ants (excluding carpenter ants, pharaoh ants and acrobatic), bees, boxelder bugs, carpenter bees, carpet beetles, centipedes, cicada killers, clover mites, crickets, digger bees, earwigs, fabric & paper pests, fleas (inside only), ground beetles, hornets, mice, pillbugs, millipedes, rats, roaches, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, springtails, stored product pests, and wasps.

*If you have a pool house that requires service, pricing would increase based upon the size of the structure.

or call now (732) 844-8640