New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Find Out How The NJ Pest Control Experts Keep Roaches Away

Written by Admin | Dec 21, 2018 12:07:00 PM

Cockroaches are one of those pests that you don’t want to mess around with. DIY methods of prevention and containment are almost always ineffective. As we prepare for holiday entertaining, the last thing we want to deal with is contamination from filthy cockroaches. Professional pest control for cockroaches is safe and effective and can help keep your New Jersey home cockroach free this winter as you prepare your holiday meals. Arrow Pest control is your best bet every time and beats DIY methods of cockroach control, hands down.

Why Cockroaches are Problematic in the Fall and Winter

Cockroaches like to stay warm and live near an abundant food source. As food becomes scarce outdoors in the harsh New Jersey winters, cockroaches will move indoors to seek a meal. They also prefer warm and humid temperatures, so in the winter your cozy home gives them a nice place to settle in.

Why might Cockroaches Disrupt your Holiday Meal?

As you are entertaining and cooking this holiday season, cockroaches will be attracted to the excess food and trash that you create. We tend to get into a flurry of baking, making treats, cooking Christmas, and New Year’s meals, hosting cocktail parties and the like in the winter. With all the crumbs, grease, and treats left out in the open, cockroaches have a holiday buffet.

Safe and Effective Professional Pest Control

Our professional pest control technicians do a thorough inspection of your property to determine how cockroaches are getting in. They will work with you to utilize the safest and most effective cockroach elimination methods suitable for New Jersey homes. They will also recommend ongoing treatments to keep cockroaches from coming back. This is preferable to DIY methods that end up with you fighting cockroaches continuously as you trap and remove them only to have them replaced by their offspring or cockroaches that were hiding.

Why Arrow Pest Control is the Best Bet

Arrow Pest Control has over 40 years of experience in dealing with cockroaches in the New Jersey area. Our technicians are certified pest control experts who know how to deal with cockroaches as well as more than 30 other nuisance and/or dangerous pests. Call us for a free estimate so we can help you have a cockroach-free and enjoyable holiday season in your home.