New Jersey Pest Control Blog

How To Prevent Pests In Your Own Home

Written by Admin | Jul 14, 2021 7:47:00 AM

A quick Google search reveals the word “pest” has two definitions. The first defines a pest as a destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc. and the second as an annoying person or thing; a nuisance. While we cannot offer any solutions on how to prevent the latter from infesting your home, we certainly have a few tips on how to keep nuisance and potentially destructive insects and rodents from making themselves comfortable in your New Jersey home.

Pest-proofing your home’s exterior 

The thing about ants, spiders, mice, and other common house-infesting pests is that if you take away their avenues of entry, they cannot get in. It’s a revolutionary idea, we know. To be fair though, that is easier said then done. For the most part, insects are tiny and while mice are larger, they have these bodies they can manipulate in order to squeeze through very small gaps. In order to successfully exclude pests from your home, you need to make it a fortress, impregnable from the outside. Here are a few areas to inspect and correct, if necessary:

Weather-stripping around windows, entry doors, and garage doors is helpful in preventing air from leaking. Installed correctly it can make it harder for pests to enter as well.  We recommend replacing weather-stripping that is in poor condition or adding it if there is none. 

A strong foundation is absolutely essential to a home and without it, serious problems prevail. One consequence of crumbling mortar is that pests are able to sneak in. To avoid this mishap, you should fix loose or crumbling mortar at the first sign of an issue. 

A house must have electricity and plumbing in order to provide its occupants with a comfortable lifestyle. The wires and pipes that give us the gift of lights and water come from the outside and while that’s not a bad thing, it does present an opportunity for opportunistic pests. Utility entrances often leave gaps and spaces that, if not sealed, are possible entry points for both insects and rodents. To correct this issue, try filling holes and gaps with steel wool or copper mesh. You can also cover those materials with a foam for added protection. 

Addressing yard & landscaping issues that contribute to pest problems inside

Taking a few steps back from the foundation, we’re going to zero in on the conditions around the house and in the yard that attract pests next. Here are some areas to investigate:

Standing water is a magnet to many pests and unfortunately a very easy problem to have. A child’s toy captures rainwater overnight, the downspouts don’t divert water away from the house so water settles at the corners of the house, and a tarp laying askew on the ground are prime examples of standing water that attracts insects and rodents. To eliminate standing or stagnant water, inspect your property for any amount of standing water (in order to lay eggs, female mosquitoes only need a thimbleful of water) and correct those areas so that water does not have a chance to collect. 

Gardens and fruit trees are an awesome addition to any property. The only downside is that if veggies and fruits are not harvested in a timely manner and are allowed to overripen in the garden or on the ground, they’ll attract hungry pests (including wildlife which carry fleas and other pests). To prevent this problem, we highly recommend removing produce and gathering fruit as soon as its ready. And should you find overripe or rotting vegetables and fruit, remove them right away. 

Tall trees that have limbs touching the roof and overgrown shrubs that brush against the house are other areas of concern as it relates to pest problems. You see, they act as bridges that allow insects and rodents to travel across in order to reach the house. Trimming tree branches and cutting landscape elements so that they do not touch the house are a great way to make it less attractive to pests. 

Indoor pest prevention tips 

Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” With that sentiment in mind, let’s turn our attention indoors. We’re hoping that suggestions made above will be enough to keep out even the most ambitious pests but if they are able to infiltrate your home, let’s make sure they don’t find a reason to stick around. Here are few ways you can plan to keep pests from finding your home welcoming. 

Dirty dishes in the sink… no one wants them and yet they multiply like mice left unchecked. Unfortunately, they also attract flies and other pests. To prevent this, we cannot urge homeowners enough to clean up the dishes after every meal (that’s including snacks). Wash dishes right away or put them in the dishwasher. DO NOT leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight – ever! 

Like dirty dishes that have food clinging to their surfaces, crumbs and spills on the floor and counters will also bring the pests to your kitchen. You can prevent this attraction by cleaning up messes as soon as they occur. We also recommend regular vacuuming/sweeping of the floor followed by a good washing. Likewise, keep kitchen counters, food prep areas, and appliances spick and span.

Clutter is another contributor to pest infestations. Give a mouse or a bug a place to hide and they will. Organizing closets, decluttering the attic, and removing old newspapers, cardboard boxes, and other items that make fine nesting sites will help keep pests at bay. 

Indoor moisture issues lure in termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-destroying insects as well as other pests. To stop invading pests attracted to these conditions, we strongly compel homeowners to keep bathrooms, basements, attics, and crawlspaces as well any other room with moisture problems dry and well ventilated. Water damaged wood should be removed and replaced with sound wood, and leaking appliances should be fixed as soon as possible. 

How to get rid of pests that have already infested your home

If its too late and pests have already made their way inside your home, contact a pest control company for help! At Arrow Pest Control, we offer home pest control services in Paramus, Chatham, and Short Hills as well as throughout our ten-county service area that not only eliminate existing pest problems but also prevent new activity from occurring.  What’s more, all three of our residential pest control plans provide year-round protection against 30+ common household pests and are backed by the Arrow Promise- if covered pests return in between service visits, we’ll come out to treat at no charge!