New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Eliminate Late Summer Spider Problems With Help From Local Exterminators

Written by Admin | Sep 6, 2022 11:33:00 AM

Summer is wrapping up, the kids are back in school, and if you’re like so many others, you’re probably hoping to re-establish a routine and maybe even get the house back in order after having everyone home all summer long.  Should you happen to discover spider webs or even spiders lurking about as you reorganize your home and prepare for fall, you may find it difficult to evict these creepy crawly pests. Read on to find out why you might be experiencing a late-summer spider infestation and what to do about it.

Common types of spiders in New Jersey

To learn more about the types of spiders in New Jersey, please follow these links:

Why are spiders in your New Jersey home in the first place?

Here’s the thing about spiders, there’s a good chance they’ve been in your home all summer long and you’re only just now noticing them because they’ve gotten larger in size. Other explanations for a spider problem include, but are not limited to:

  • Late summer heat waves drive spiders indoors looking for relief from the climbing temperatures
  • Early fall-like weather has them searching for a warm place to shelter
  • It’s too dry outside
  • It’s too wet outside
  • You have a plentiful supply of bugs in your home

From the list above, you can see that spiders are looking for the best conditions possible so if your home is easy to access, provides the right temperature, and there are plenty of insects to eat, you’re going to have a spider problem.

How spiders get into homes

Common house spiders, jumping spiders, wolf spiders, and black widow spiders all take advantage of all the cracks, gaps, and openings on the outside of homes in order to gain entry. Homes that are likely to have spider problems usually have gaps under doors, holes or tears in their window screens, unprotected air vents, unsealed holes around spots where utility wires and pipes enter as well as holes in the roof or siding.

Although brown recluse spiders typically live south of New Jersey, homeowners will, on occasion, find these venomous arachnids in their homes. How’s that possible, you ask? Brown recluse spiders may be transported to the Garden State in cargo from areas that are part of their native range.

How to prevent spider problems all year-round

  • The first step to preventing spiders from getting into your home is to block the entry points. Most spiders (and other insects in New Jersey) are little and can fit through small areas, so it's important to do a careful inspection of the outside of your house and to seal up all openings, including cracks, holes, gaps, and tears.
  • It also helps to cut back foliage from your house so that no branches, flowers, or plants touch the sides. Spiders often use these areas as "bridges" to find their way inside.
  • Reducing clutter inside the house can also help. Spiders often prefer secluded areas to hide or live in, so the fewer of these areas you have, the less likely they are to stay.
  • Spiders also need moisture, so reducing humidity with a dehumidifier is a good idea. Also, check for leaky pipes, as these will cause moisture issues.

What do if you find spiders in or around your home

Unfortunately, spiders in your home could be an indication of other pest problems. If you’ve found them crawling across the floor on the hunt for prey or building webs in the basement, garage, or even the corner of your living room, the best solution is to contact a pest control company right away. Hiring fully licensed and highly trained pest control specialists to take care of spider activity can spare you from a lot of hassle in the long run. Plus, an exterminator worth their salt will uncover other pests that have infested your house and take care of those as well.  

Let Arrow Pest Control solve your spider problem in New Jersey

Arrow Pest Control has the experience and equipment to take care of your spider problem quickly and efficiently. Offering effective home pest control services in Essex Fells, Paramus, Pompton Lakes, and Dayton as well as throughout our multi-county service area, our locally owned and family-operated pest control company would be more than happy to stop by for a free home evaluation. While we’re there, we’ll identify existing pest problems, locate potential entry points, and determine what conditions are attracting them in the first place. Based on our findings, we’ll recommend a plan to eradicate pests from your home.

Check out our home pest control plans and pricing below or simply give us a call to get started!  

This blog was originally published August 22, 2019 but has been updated to include the most up to date information about spiders in New Jersey.