New Jersey Pest Control Blog

The New Jersey Bed Bug Season Is Returning - Are You Ready?

Written by Admin | May 14, 2019 5:58:00 AM

While there really is no "bed bug season" in New Jersey, there is a time of year when bed bugs become more active, and an active bed bug is a bed bug that is more likely to travel from one home to another or from a home to a business to another home—hopefully, not your home. As temperatures warm up, homes and businesses that are not climate controlled can become overrun with bed bugs. Warm temperatures make the bodies of bed bugs move like well-oiled machines. And, when there are more bed bugs, it is more likely for these insects to get picked up and carried from one location to another. That's how they spread. Entomologists call this "passive dispersal." Here are some tips to help you prevent bed bugs from accidentally infesting your New Jersey home.

 Since the turn of the century, hotels, motels, and other sleeping accommodations have been prime locations for picking up bed bugs and bringing them home. During the warm months, this becomes even more of a problem in establishments that have no central air. Take the time to learn how to avoid bed bugs while traveling. This can help you keep those bugs from "passively" coming home with you.
Bed bugs don't just get on your stuff when you spend the night somewhere. They can get in your stuff when you visit a friend or family member. Learn to recognize the most common signs of bed bugs to prevent these insects from accidentally hitching a ride back to your place.  
Sometimes, bed bugs get into homes by hitchhiking in furniture. Springtime is the perfect time to acquire an infestation from a bed, nightstand, dresser, couch, and other furniture items because this is the time of year when university and college students go home. If you purchase furniture from a departing student, be sure to do a detailed inspection for bed bugs. Dormitories and student housing are ideal environments for bed bugs.

Bed Bug Control

If you get a bed bug infestation in your home this spring, it is best to leave bed bug control to the professionals. Bed bugs have been living nearly exclusively with humans for centuries. They're good at avoiding extermination. But not good enough to avoid extermination that is performed by licensed and experienced professionals. Make sure you get those bugs the first time, with a little help from Arrow Pest Control.