New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Wasp, Hornet & Stinging Insect Activity In NJ Ahead Of Schedule

Written by Admin | Aug 13, 2021 8:56:00 AM

As August progresses, you’re going to notice an increase in stinging insect activity and may even observe a bit more aggression from hornets and wasps than you have in the previous weeks and there’s a good reason for it. You see, as it happens every year in late summer, stinging insects in New Jersey seemingly shift into overdrive because their nests are filled to the brim and their natural food sources are starting to diminish. This is normal behavior but it often results in more up close and personal encounters with the stinging end of these pests.

Our NJ pest management specialists are already seeing larger than normal sized nests 

Though we marked August as the month for increased activity, the reality is that here in New Jersey, stinging insect activity is ahead of schedule. Thanks in part to increased pollen levels, our pest management specialists are already finding and removing larger than normal (for July) nests and are seeing a change in stinging insect behavior that typically is reserved for later in the summer.

Wasp and hornets nests may be inside your home too

This year, moisture and humidity have also played a role in nest development. In fact, if nests are already showing up on the exterior of your home, there’s a chance yellow jackets, paper wasps, and baldfaced hornets as well as other stinging insects will make their way through wet, soft sheet rock or other holes on the exterior in order to nest inside as well. 

Not all stinging insects nest up high 

We often think stinging insects only nest high up in trees, in eaves, or other areas not easily reached but the truth is many stinging insects develop their nests in the ground. Here in New Jersey, there are a few stinging insects to keep an eye out for at ground level including:

  • Cicada killer wasps
  • Digger bees (also known as ground bees)
  • Yellow jackets (they nest pretty much anywhere – high, low, outside, inside -everywhere)

Cicada killer wasps are more active than usual too

When treating for cicada killer wasps, our pest management specialists typically note a few cicada killer wasp holes in the ground but this year they are seeing cicada killer wasps and/or holes in the double digits! While it’s important to note that these solitary wasps are not harmful to people or pets unless disturbed, the small mounds of dirt they create may be unsightly. If you’d like these wasps gone, we can help with effective cicada killer wasp treatments.  

More aggressive behavior could lead to increased risk of stings

Though it varies by the type of stinging insect, many are normally mild-mannered creatures content to do their thing while you do yours and as long as you don’t meet while mowing the lawn or by another chance encounter, you can co-exist. You know how it is with stress though, it rarely brings out the best in us and the same can be said about stinging insects. As food supplies start to run out and as the population within the nest(s) explodes, things become a bit strained and stinging insects become more desperate and start looking for food. Unfortunately, sodas, fruit juice, adult beverages and other items found at our backyard parties and BBQs attract these stinging pests and while on the hunt to satisfy their sweet tooth, you may find yourself on the receiving end of one of their stings. 

How to get rid of wasps, hornets, and their nests 

When it comes to getting rid of wasps, hornets, and other stinging insects as well as their nests, the smart choice is to contact a pest control company. The experience, knowledge, and equipment licensed pest control professionals rely on make all the difference. Here at Arrow, we recommend signing up for one of our home pest control plans because they include coverage for several stinging insects including diggers bees, hornets, and wasps PLUS our plans protect against many other house-infesting insects and rodents. 

Home Protection Program

Service consists of the elimination of your current pest or rodent problem, complemented by both interior and exterior year-round protection of your home, which is inclusive of three seasonal visits. The program covers your entire property including attics, mailboxes, playsets, sheds, and fences.

Pests targeted with Arrow’s Home Protection Plan services include ants (excluding carpenter ants, pharaoh ants and acrobatic), bees, boxelder bugs, carpenter bees, carpet beetles, centipedes, cicada killers, clover mites, crickets, digger bees, earwigs, fabric & paper pests, fleas (inside only), ground beetles, hornets, mice, pillbugs, millipedes, rats, roaches, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, springtails, stored product pests, and wasps.

*If you have a pool house that requires service, pricing would increase based upon the size of the structure.