New Jersey Pest Control Blog

What New Jersey Homeowners Need To Know About Wasp Nests Inside

Written by Admin | Nov 4, 2021 9:02:00 AM

Have you noticed wasps are still around your New Jersey home?

Surprisingly (or not surprisingly as the case may be) wasps in New Jersey are still quite active. In fact, they may continue to be a problem for awhile longer. That is until the cold weather and lack of nourishment take their toll on the wasp population and they start dying off. If you’re still noticing wasp activity on your property and specifically witness these stinging insects coming and going from a particular area on the outside of your home, you likely have an interior wasp problem.

How do wasps get inside?

Generally speaking, yellow jackets, paper wasps, and other wasps in New Jersey enter homes and other structures through pre-existing holes. It could be a broken roof shingle, a hole around a utility line, open attic vents, or any other unsealed opening on the exterior of the structure. Or they may have simply flown through an open door or window.  

Where do wasps nest inside?

Inside homes and buildings, wasps commonly nest in interior wall voids, outer walls, ceiling voids, attics, spaces under stairs, and other places that provide shelter.

How to find a wasp nests in your wall

The most obvious sign of a wasp nest inside your walls is seeing wasps fly out of a hole and returning to the same place only to disappear inside. Additional signs of a wasp nest in your walls include:

  • Crackling sounds inside your walls (that’s them chewing drywall and other material to make more space for their expanding nest)
  • Actual wasp nests breaking through walls

What about wasp nests in the attic or other places besides walls

While nests in walls are concealed from our view, nests in attics and other exposed areas are much easier to find but still need to be checked out. If you come across a nest inside your home, take a look at its size. A small nest could mean it’s a newer one and still active but it could also mean it was abandoned early on. Larger nests may indicate that it is an active one. In either case caution should be exercised. If you find a nest of any size in your home, the best thing to do is contact a pest control company to evaluate the situation.

Can wasps damage your home?

While we wouldn’t put them in the same category as wood-destroying termites or mice that never stop chewing, wasps are capable of causing damage. The simple act of chewing on drywall or the weight of a nest can lead to the weakening of walls and ceilings. What’s more, growing wasp nests may create damp conditions that could lead to water damage.

How to remove a wasp nest from your home

As we touched on above, the best way to remove a wasp nest from your home is to walk away from it and call a professional. Wasps can be aggressive and in fact, this is the time of year when they are more likely to be so. Encounters with these stinging insects can be painful and life threatening for individuals who are allergic to them.

Effective stinging insect control in New Jersey

Providing pest control services for wasps and other pests in Westfield, Paramus, and Bloomfield as well as throughout our multi-county service area, our local NJ pest control company is ready to help property owners get rid of yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets, and other wasps. In fact, our home pest control plans are the ideal solution for homeowners who want protection from stinging insects as well as other insects and rodents!

Home Protection Program

Service consists of the elimination of your current pest or rodent problem, complemented by both interior and exterior year-round protection of your home, which is inclusive of three seasonal visits. The program covers your entire property including attics, mailboxes, playsets, sheds, and fences.

Pests targeted with Arrow’s Home Protection Plan services include ants (excluding carpenter ants, pharaoh ants and acrobatic), bees, boxelder bugs, carpenter bees, carpet beetles, centipedes, cicada killers, clover mites, crickets, digger bees, earwigs, fabric & paper pests, fleas (inside only), ground beetles, hornets, mice, pillbugs, millipedes, rats, roaches, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, springtails, stored product pests, and wasps.

*If you have a pool house that requires service, pricing would increase based upon the size of the structure.