If you have comb-like bugs that visit you during the warm months of the year, you are probably aware that those are centipedes. But that might be all you know about them. If so, you've come to the right place. Here's everything you need to know about centipedes in New Jersey.

The House Centipede
Hire a New Jersey pest control company
When you hire a licensed pest professional, you may be able to bypass a lot of the hard work. A quality pest control program will make your exterior resistant to pest activity through routine treatments, removal of spider webs, and pest maintenance. If there is a vulnerability you need to address, your pest control technician will let you know.
If you're ready to be done with centipedes crawling around in your New Jersey home, reach out to Arrow Pest Control. We can guide you toward an effective pest control plan that will keep those bugs out and not break your budget doing it.

Home Protection Program
Pests targeted with Arrow’s Home Protection Plan services include ants (excluding carpenter ants, pharaoh ants and acrobatic), bees, boxelder bugs, carpenter bees(no higher than 10 ft), carpet beetles, centipedes, cicada killers, clover mites, crickets, digger bees, earwigs, fabric & paper pests, fleas (inside only), ground beetles, hornets, mice, pillbugs, millipedes, rats, roaches, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, springtails, stored product pests, and wasps.

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