New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Do NJ Residents Have To Worry About Bed Bugs During The Winter

Written by Admin | Feb 14, 2019 1:22:00 PM

Wouldn’t it be great if every type of bug completely disappeared each winter? After having them irritate us through the spring, summer, and fall, we deserve a break. Unfortunately, instead of dying off, some bugs simply move indoors during the winter months. Others live inside throughout the year. Bed bugs fall into the latter category, which is why they are still a problem for New Jersey residents in the winter.

The Seasonality of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have particular seasons of activity. Late spring and summertime, when it’s hot and humid, is their time of greatest movement. They love to travel, and because summer is often a busy time of year for vacationing bed bugs are able to move around a lot.

When fall arrives, the weather cools a bit and people get back into more steady routines, so this is the time when bed bugs settle into their new homes and start to reproduce.

Over the holidays, travel picks up and there is once again an increase in the spread of bed bugs. When the holidays are over, bed bugs get back to infesting the homes and hotels in which they find themselves.

Why You Might Have a Bed Bug Infestation

If you traveled over the holidays or had people stay at your home, you may end up with bed bugs in your home. They may not have been noticeable right away, but now that they’ve been there a while, they may be making their presence known. Bed bugs often go unnoticed because of their small size and ability to hide, but if you start to notice any of the following common signs, you probably have a bed bug infestation.

  • Bites - Bed bugs tend to come out at night to bite you while you sleep. If you wake up with clusters of small red bites, they might be bed bug bites.
  • Blood spots - Bed bugs dribble a little when they eat. Small red spots of blood on your sheets or pillowcases are a sign of bed bugs.
  • Brown streaks - If you notice small brown or tan streaks on your sheets or blankets, they could be bed bug feces.

What to Do About a Bed Bug Infestation

If you suspect or discover a bed bug infestation, it’s important to take care of it right away. However, trying to do it alone will probably leave you dealing with another bed bug problem down the road. Bed bugs are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate through DIY methods.

Professional pest control experts can identify the extent of your bed bug infestation, determine where they’re hiding, and come up with a customized plan to eliminate them from your home. While a small infestation may require a “spot treatment," a full-blown infestation requires a treatment that ensures your entire house gets treated. Arrow Pest Control has the expertise and equipment to treat any type of bed bug infestation, from small to large. Give us a call at the first sign of an infestation and leave the hard work to us.