New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Is Winter Pest Control Service In New Jersey A Must

Written by Admin | Dec 8, 2020 10:31:00 AM

December 21st marks the shortest day of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is) but for those of us living and working in Plainfield, Chatham, and Neptune as well as in communities throughout New Jersey, we’ve already noticed the days are getting shorter and colder. It won’t be long before we say goodbye to fall and watch the snow fly and the thermometer dip way down. While there’s no stopping the change of seasons, you may be thinking that with the winter almost upon us, it might be the ideal time to cancel your pest control services.  Respectfully, we disagree and we’ll tell you why below. 

Baby, it’s cold outside

Are bugs and rodents really out and about during the winter months? Unfortunately, yes. Many pests in New Jersey remain active given the right conditions. Which leads us to the number one reason why it is essential to keep your home pest control services active through the winter- pests take shelter in your home when it’s cold outside. Recently we blogged about carpenter ants in the winter and how they can survive the coldest part of the year by living in satellite nests inside homes but they aren’t the only ones that infest homes in order to find warm shelter. 

  • Mice and rats are notorious for invading attics, basements, and storage areas and will venture down to the kitchen for a snack and water. 
  • Spiders, roaches, silverfish, earwigs, and other nuisance insects can endure the harsh winter as long as they stay snug as a bug in a rug in a structure that is heated and provides food and water sources. 
  • Even termites are a year-round threat that will not go away just because Jack Frost is nipping at our noses. In fact, these wood-destroying pests could winter in the wall voids of your home! Learn how our professionals track down termites in walls.

How does a year-round home pest control service keep these pests out?

We’d be glad to answer that question but first let us introduce you to the Smith family of Marlboro Township. A figment of our imaginations, they’re going to help us in our demonstration.

Mrs. Smith first reached out to us in June because she had found mice poop in her pantry, was concerned about ants in the kitchen, and had found other evidence of pests in and around her house. Upon completing our FREE home evaluation, we confirmed her suspicions about existing pest activity and laid out a plan of action to help her take back her home, which included signing up for our Home Protection Plus+ Program

During our initial treatment, we focused on exterminating insect and rodent activity inside and out. After that, we returned three months later to treat the exterior of her home. There was no need to go inside because we had set up a zone of protection around the perimeter of her house the last time we were there. By applying treatment around her foundation and several feet into the yard, we made certain that foraging pests would not have the opportunity to get inside even as the leaves started turning color and the nights started chilling. 

Mrs. Smith, in her desire to protect her home and family from pests, had selected the HPP+ Program so she knew that an Arrow pest control specialist would return every quarter to ensure her home remained a fortress that annoying and destructive pests couldn’t penetrate. What’s more, Mrs. Smith knew that if a covered pest problem occurred in between service visits, all she had to do was give us a ring and we’d come right out to treat at no charge.

Be pest-free all year-round with help from Arrow! 

By implementing a year-round home pest control program like the fictitious Mrs. Smith, you don’t have to worry about what season it is, you can relax knowing your home has superior, ongoing coverage provided by a locally owned and operated pest control company. 

Home Protection Program Plus

This program includes everything from the Home Protection Program - PLUS carpenter ant control and our termite monitoring advantage. Arrow will install a passive subterranean termite monitoring system at critical or conducive areas along the exterior perimeter foundation of your home. This system will include up to 4 in-ground subterranean termite monitoring stations. These stations will be serviced and inspected as part of your routine service.

Should the monitors indicate termite activity or termites occur within the home, Arrow will provide you with a termite treatment proposal at a 50% discounted rate, and you will be upgraded to Arrow Premier at the current prevailing rate.

  • Is a year-round program that provides full interior and exterior service.
  • Service includes a one-time interior service per year and two exterior treatments.
  • Covers your entire property* including the attic, mailbox, playset, shed, and fence.
  • Termite monitoring advantage

Pests targeted with Arrow’s Home Protection Program Plus includes all the pests included in the Home Protection Program PLUS carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, and acrobat ants.

*If you have a pool house that requires service, pricing would increase based upon the size of the structure.
*Termite monitoring advantage is not applicable in over-55 communities

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