New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Mosquitoes Soon To Return To New Jersey - Are You Prepared?

Written by Admin | Apr 30, 2019 12:29:00 PM

Most everyone dreads the return of mosquitoes during the spring and summer months. Their annoying buzzing, the fact that they thrive in heat and humidity, and the itchy red bite marks they leave us with are all things no homeowner wants to deal with, especially when all we want to do is enjoy the warmer weather and spend time near a pool or doing other fun summer activities. Mosquitoes thrive in temperatures 50 degrees and above, which means the usual temperatures we usually get during summer, combined with the rain we get in both spring and summer, provides mosquitoes with the perfect conditions to breed and reproduce.

How you can prepare for the return of New Jersey mosquitoes

One of the best ways to protect yourself and your home from the dangers of mosquitoes is by removing factors around your home that attract them in the first place, and arming yourself with whatever protective measures you can when you go outside. These steps will not fully remove your mosquito problem, but they will keep your home more protected than not doing anything to prepare at all.

  • Bug repellent will keep you as protected as possible when you are outdoors. While bug repellent is not 100% effective, it is the best way to avoid getting bitten.
  • Eliminating still or standing water goes a long way to reduce the mosquito population around your home. Mosquitos need still water to breed and lay their eggs. If there is no water for this to happen, they will likely move on.
  • Mosquito populations are often higher in areas that are marshy and/or have lots of thick brush and foliage. To reduce the number mosquitoes in your yard, cut back areas with thick brush and tall grasses.
  • Keep gutters free of debris so mosquitos have no chance to reproduce in any water that may be trapped by leaves or debris.

Why professional mosquito treatments are worth it

No matter how much you try to remove the mosquito population in and around your property, nothing you do on your own will ever eliminate your mosquito problem entirely. The best and most effective way to bring down the mosquito population in your yard is to contact a pest management professional (PMP) from Arrow Pest Control. Between the months of May and September, we offer top-of-the-line mosquito control treatments that will effectively protect your property against mosquitoes. The PMP who treats your property will remove sources of standing water and focus treatments on the areas with the highest mosquito activity, which will quickly reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard.

If you’d like professional mosquito control in Freehold, Parsippany-Troy Hills, or elsewhere in Arrow's multi-county service area, please contact Arrow Pest Control today!