New Jersey Pest Control Blog

The Spider That Will Make You Cry Wolf 

Written by Admin | Sep 26, 2019 6:15:00 AM

Ugly, scary, and with a look straight out of a horror movie, the wolf spider is one of the most misunderstood critters on the east coast. Despite their less-than-beautiful appearance, wolf spiders aren’t aggressive towards humans, and they lack enough venom to affect creatures other than their prey. Unless you have a wolf spider backed into a corner, don't expect to be attacked. As it turns out, wolf spiders are very different from some of their more aggressive spider cousins. 

These furry creatures don’t spin webs. In fact, wolf spiders would much rather spend their days all by themselves. Feral in nature, they can live in any location other bugs inhabit, using their superior hunting skills to chase down their meals. Lacking a web, wolf spiders may be difficult to remove from a home once they've become comfortably established.

How to catch a predator 

Wolf spiders won’t bother with your home unless they spy a feasting opportunity. Some basic home protective measures can go a long way towards keeping these critters out in the yard where they belong. 

  • Seal cracks in foundations, walls, and basements. Not only do these let in other nuisance insects, but wolf spiders will be more than happy to squeeze into your home.
  • Keep clutter and boxes on the floor sealed away. The more stuff there is, the more places for spiders (and other bugs) to hide in. 
  • Keep windows and doors sealed with a high-count mesh. This helps to prevent wolf spiders and the pests they feed on from coming indoors. 
  • Many people have found success in installing yellow light bulbs outside of the home. Yellow lights won’t draw excess pests near the house, and attracting fewer bugs means attracting fewer spiders. 
  • Have a qualified professional pest control technician inspect your home for other signs of pest infestation. 

Wipe out the wolves with Arrow 

When wolf spiders begin to creep into your home, finding ways to manage the pests on your property can help.  If you’re ready to insect and spider-proof your property, contact the friendly professionals at Arrow Pest Control. With the best pest control methods available on the market, we guarantee we'll quickly and efficiently take care of your pest problem. 

We understand that everyone is different, and that pest control needs vary from household to household. Arrow is proud to offer a multitude of unique pest control plans to suit all our of customers. Reach out to us today to schedule your free home inspection and keep the creepy crawlies out for good.