New Jersey Pest Control Blog

The Stinky Invasive Pest In New Jersey

Written by Admin | Sep 24, 2019 6:17:00 AM

As summer begins cooling down and autumn breezes are on the horizon, these tenacious bugs might look to your home to spend the winter, cozily bedded down inside your wall voids and living spaces. 

Stink bugs are a destructive and invasive species that have only recently found themselves on American soil. Named in honor of their pungent, oily stench when crushed, these flying insects prefer to stick close to the ground when hunting for comfortable resting sites. Stink bugs are not fans of cold temperatures and will get into warm houses if given the opportunity. Their brown-gray bodies, no more than an inch in length, are easy to spot when they have retreated into the warmth of your home. 

Some swear that the smell of a crushed stink bug resembles strong cilantro, while others vie for more of a burning tire odor. No matter what scent these insects release, stink bugs pose significant problems to New Jersey homeowners everywhere.

The stink bug blues 

Stink bugs aren’t harmful to humans and are certainly not poisonous per se, but these odorous insects are experts when it comes to destruction.  

  • Humans or pets ingesting a stink bug will take in chemicals known as trans-2-decenal and trans-2-octenal. While not poisonous, these substances can cause severe nausea and vomiting a few minutes after ingesting.
  • Those with sensitive skin, allergies, and asthma may be negatively impacted by stink bugs. Contact with them may result in rashes, dermatitis, and asthma attacks. 
  • Stink bugs are agricultural pests, destroying fruit and nut trees, pepper and beans poles, sorghum, cotton, and household ornamental plants. Their saliva scars the soft plants until they are no longer viable. 
  • The strong scent excreted from stink bugs is enough to send household visitors packing. 

Stink bugs are not deadly creatures, but the problems they cause for homeowners are enough to merit their proper extermination and exclusion. 

Suit up from the stink 

Many homeowners experiencing an infestation will first try using DIY or home remedies to repel these insects. Some natural repellents for stink bugs do exist, but using preventative measures after experiencing an infestation will not eliminate the root issue. For stink bug problems of any kind, don’t hesitate to reach out to the pest control professionals at Arrow, New Jersey’s leading exterminator for all things that creep, crawl, and fly. 

Arrow Pest Control uses several exclusionary methods to help you eradicate stink bugs. Find out why we’ve been in business for forty years and counting when you call us today to set up a free home inspection. We’re ready to help.