New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Do Bed Bugs In New Jersey Go Away During The Winter?

Written by Admin | Nov 22, 2021 11:06:00 AM

How Cold Weather Affects Bed Bugs

Historically one of the year’s biggest travel weeks is the week of Thanksgiving and why wouldn’t it be? After all, turkey day is more than just filling our bellies with the bird, trimmings, and pie, it’s about coming together with our family and/or close friends to give thanks and enjoy one another’s company. And some of those thanksgiving goers fly in or drive from out of town. In other words, they travel. While New Jersey meteorologists are already warning about a nasty storm disrupting holiday travel this coming week, it’s too early to know for sure if the white stuff or cold rain will be an issue but there is a potential problem we’d like to take a few minutes to warn New Jersey residents about and that is bed bugs

Bed bugs are active during the winter months 

Bed bugs are a common problem all year-round and winter is no exception. And before you say, it’s not winter yet, we know but the weather is growing colder and it’s just a matter of time. There are a lot of insects in New Jersey that are seasonal pests – for example, lady bugs and box elder bugs are two fall pests that New Jersey residents often notice trying to get in their homes once summer fades into autumn. You’re also more likely to notice termite swarms and increased ant activity once the spring thaw has occurred.  Bed bugs though they have times of peak activity, have no seasonal boundaries and plague people all year-round including winter.

How do bed bugs survive winter?

The simple answer is – with you. More specifically, they don’t die off like some pests because they’ve found shelter that provides them a warmth and safety. While intense heat can kill bed bugs, 70 degrees Fahrenheit, give or take a few degrees, suits them just fine. 

We can’t forget about their food. Again, homes filled with people are ideal as human blood is the primary food source for hungry bed bugs. 

Common ways for bed bugs to get in your home

And here’s where we come back to traveling. One of the most common ways for bed bugs to be introduced into homes is on the people who reside or visit there or on their belongings. Belongings such as luggage. Whether traveling for vacation, business, or welcoming out of town guests who had to travel to get to you, the threat of bed bugs grows. Airports, hotels, public transportation are all places where unknown travelers can pick up these stealthy hitchhikers. 

Now, having said that, travel is not the only way to develop a bed bug problem. Here are a few more ways you may find yourself with unwelcomed guests this winter:

  • Your college-aged, dorm-living child or children arrives home for the holidays or the odd weekend. 
  • Your neighbor’s bed bugs travel under flooring and through walls to get inside your unit (that is, if you live in an apartment, townhouse, or other multi-unit complex)
  • Your new-to-you (in other words, used) furniture contains bed bugs.

Can you prevent a bed bug infestation and how do you know if you have one?

While there is no fool-proof way to prevent a bed bug infestation, we’ve listed a few of our most popular bed bug resources to help you gain the advantage over these biting pests.

Have bed bugs, now what?

Whether you have bed bugs already or you’re just arming yourself with knowledge in case the unfortunate happens, we recommend having a plan. That plan should NOT include DIY bed bug products you purchase online or at the local big box store. Trust us when we say, they will not eradicate all bed bug activity and in fact, could make it worse. Plus, there are a lot of nightmare stories across the web about DIY bed bug gone wrong. 

What you should do or plan to do if you find your home infested with these bugs is to call Arrow Pest Control at the first sign of a problem. Providing effective bed bug control in Paramus, Saddle Brook, and Chatham or elsewhere in our 10-county service area, our locally owned and family-operated pest control company knows how to get rid of bed bugs – completely!

How Arrow gets rid of bed bugs in New Jersey

Since bed bug infestations happen fast, you need pest control pros that stop them just as quickly! Here at Arrow, we use conventional treatments, intense heat, and other strategies to eliminate bed bugs from eggs to live adults. What’s more, we offer preventative solutions that allow you (and us) to identify and minimize a problem should new bed bug activity occur. 

Why choose Arrow Pest Control to exterminate your bed bug problem?

We realize there are a lot of pest control companies around but not all of them measure up to our team. When you choose Arrow, you’re choosing local, getting 55+ years of industry experience, and a team with over 1300 five-star Google reviews. We’re proud to service Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Somerset, and Union counties and make it our mission to provide pest management solutions with integrity for our customers and the communities we serve and protect.

If you are worried about bed bugs, request your free estimate today