New Jersey Pest Control Blog

Why Pest Control Is Vital To Commercial Facilities

Written by Admin | Aug 4, 2017 6:08:00 AM

Imagine if you will, sitting in a favorite restaurant waiting for that fantastic chicken parmesan that is just not to be missed. The restaurant is crowded as always. A birthday is being celebrated just one table over. You can hear the sound of the crowd and the happy owner going from table to table visiting with frequent customers and checking on their service this evening. Imagine that same restaurant the moment someone spots an unexpected four-legged guest scurrying across the dining room. Then, imagine your favorite spot closed because the unsuspecting owner had no idea that a mouse had found its way into the facility. This is not just a story for many businesses across the country that have done their best to run a good, clean establishment only to have it ruined because of pests. Sadly, some never recover.

There are a multitude of pests who find commercial properties the perfect place to live. Mice, rats, cockroaches, ants, and bed bugs are some of the most common threats to any business and they find their way in for the same reasons they affect homes across the area, they are looking for food, water and shelter. If your restaurant provides these essentials, these pests will target your facility. 

Each of these pests can cause their own problems for the property owners. Ants are always a nuisance to have around in a building, carpenter ants are a danger to the facility itself. There is not an innkeeper around who can avoid bed bugs from infiltrating their rooms, feasting on their guests. Mice, rats and cockroaches are not just a frightening and unsightly pest to find, but can spread serious illness to customers and employees. Any of these pests found by customers or employees can spell disaster to the reputation of the business itself. When you are running a business, the last thing you want to have to worry about is the potential for unwanted pests finding their way in, but the fact remains that no matter how clean you try to keep your commercial building, pests will continue to target your facility.

Commercial property owners, whether it’s a restaurant, a hotel, a convenience store, or even a warehouse should be well aware that their business thrives on repeat customers and happy employees. It is essential that they take care of both by making sure that their facility is a pest-free facility. Arrow Pest Control works with commercial properties of all shapes and sizes to make sure that those buildings remain that way.