How Long Does Mosquito Season Last in New Jersey
There is no specific start date or ending date for mosquito season but it is typically between April and October. This is based on temperature. When temperatures drop below 50 degrees, mosquitoes grow dormant. They will also slow down as temperatures near 50 degrees, so they will be less active toward the end of September. So that give mosquitoes about 7 months to bite us mercilessly and spread harmful and potentially dangerous diseases. Here are some ways you can reduce mosquitoes in your yard in spring, summer, and fall.
Simple Mosquito
Control Tips For Your Home
Control stagnant water sources
How much water do you think it takes for a mosquito to breed? Do you think maybe a gallon? How about just a cup? Nope. It’s worse than that. A mosquito can breed in a half a cup of water. Addressing stagnant water in your yard can make it more difficult for mosquitoes to breed in your yard.
- Pick toys up and store them inside.
- Keep your mower stored in the shed or the garage.
- Fix leaky spigots or hoses in your yard.
- Trim tree branches to allow sunlight to dry areas that get too much shade.
- Inspect your gutters for obstructions that cause water to pool up.
- Repair broken downspouts on your gutter system.
Fix containers
How long do you think it takes for a mosquito to go from egg to adult? A month? A couple of weeks? Nope. It only takes a little over a week for eggs to develop into mosquitoes that fly around in your yard looking for a blood meal. Fortunately, you can do something to stop the development of mosquitoes. If you have a container in your yard that captures water and you are unable or unwilling to store it away, there are other options. Here are some examples:
- Do you have a kiddie pool? Empty it out every week or turn it over when it is not being used. This will prevent mosquitoes from developing.
- Do you have a tire swing? Empty it out when water gets in it or poke a hole in the bottom of it to give the rainwater a channel to get to the ground and dry up.
- Do you have a bird bath? Add a pump to circulate the water. Mosquitoes prefer stagnant water. This will resist development. You may also add a larvicide to the water to make this location unusable for breeding.
Hiding places
How many mosquitoes can a single female mosquito lay? Do you think perhaps 20? How about 50? Nope. It’s worse than that. An individual female mosquito can lay as many as 100 eggs every third night after it has mated. When those eggs hatch in your yard, those mosquitoes are going to look for a hiding place. Mosquitoes need a lot of moisture. For this reason, they hide in vegetation during the day. When they hide in your vegetation, it will only take a few seconds for you to be surrounded by mosquitoes when you go out into your yard. There is a way to stop this. Invest in seasonal mosquito service. Routine treatments of your landscaping will eliminate mosquitoes that are hiding in there and leave a residual that will eliminate mosquitoes that come to hide in your vegetation between visits. If a female mosquito comes into your yard and takes a rest before she lays her eggs, her death will result in the death of hundreds.
Professional mosquito and tick control services in New Jersey
If you’ve never invested in mosquito service we strongly recommend that you give it a try. Mosquitoes aren’t just irritating, they can be dangerous, especially the Asian tiger mosquito, which only travels a few hundred feet in its entire life. When you control mosquitoes in your yard you can have a big impact on the spread of mosquito-borne viruses.
Reach out to us today to learn more about professional mosquito control or to schedule a free inspection to get started. We can help you figure out what pest pressures you have in your yard and what service will work best to meet your individual needs and budget. No yard is better with mosquitoes in it. Take your backyard back with Mosquito & Tick Control from Arrow Pest Control.
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